이하이 (LEE HI) - 홀로 (HOLO)
Instrumental by YUMMY MUSIC
All Tracks Performed by YUMMY MUSIC Artists
Listen Track Example
- 48kHz 24bit Wav Files
- Original Length
- Mastered for the best result on YouTube
YUMMY MUSIC store follows the Copyright Law of the Republic of Korea and the Copyright Law of the Republic of Korea follows UCC (Universal Copyright Convention) and WTO Convention.
For using this track, you have to know and agree to the purchase progress going in the S.KOREA region, and S.KOREA domestic Tax (VAT 10%) is included in the price.
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YUMMY MUSIC store service is allowed by Authors in the world through the CISAC network, and the price includes Copyright Royalties for service.
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Non-Paid Individual Performance
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This information must include in your content description
Instrumental by YUMMY-MUSIC.COM
(List will add continuously)
Naver TV
Kakao TV
(Can be used on these platforms. but platforms will charge the royalty in your content's income for using the song's melody and lyrics for copyright holders. This is another issue than "buying the legal instrumental track". In most platforms, music royalty is about around 10% of the total income of each content. This is the right of the authors. This is a very reasonable share rate and the starting point of fair use of music. And you can monetize your content and also, you don't need to worry about "block" "delete" "no monetization" anymore.)
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Re-sale To Others
Upload Pure Track Without Recording or Any Additional Sound Contents.
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Songwriter(s) - 안신애
[Verse 1]
홀로 있는 게 가만히 있는 게
어려운 일인가요
홀로 있어도 같이 있어도
외로운 건 같아요
One day it will stop
[Verse 2]
말하는 대로 생각한 대로
되는 것 아닌가요
햇빛을 쬐고 숨 쉬어 봐도
쉽지는 않네요
One day it will stop
And I'm gonna stop cryin'
Stop feelin'
Stop thinkin' 'bout you my babe
이제 그만 울 거야 나올 거야
나를 더 아껴줄 거야
And I'm gonna stop
[Verse 3]
쟤보다 내가 나보다 쟤가
나은 게 중요한가요
수많은 날을 괴로워하다
이제 좀 알겠어요[Verse 4]
가만히 앉아 걱정하기엔
난 너무 소중해요
들여다봐요 맘속의 민낯
그대로 괜찮아요
It's gotta stop
And I'm gonna stop cryin'
Stop feelin'
Stop thinkin' 'bout you my babe
이제 그만 울 거야 나올 거야
나를 더 아껴줄 거야
And I'm gonna stop
And I'm gonna stop
[Verse 1]
홀로 있는 게 가만히 있는 게
어려운 일인가요
홀로 있어도 같이 있어도
외로운 건 같아요
One day it will stop